Stephen Decatur Magnet School of Leadership, Exploration, and the Arts Home

Who We Are

At Stephen Decatur Middle School 35, we believe that across all disciplines that  ALL students:
  • Will engage with content rich texts through reading, writing and discussion.
  • Will participate in classroom activities that challenge their critical thinking and develop a deeper understanding of all contents.
  • Will be empowered to demonstrate their thinking through a variety of student centered and/ or student led tasks.
  • Will be immersed in an academically rigorous environment that fosters productive struggle to become literacy proficient in the 21st century.


About Us

Welcome to our school! We believe that parent participation is key to student success; our new website is designed to provide parents with all the information they need to be active participants in their student’s education. You will find that the site works just as well on mobile devices as it does on a desktop so you can find information on the go.
Students in cheerleading uniforms in production of High School Musical
Students in cheerleading uniforms in production of High School Musical
Students in cheerleading uniforms in production of High School Musical
Students in cheerleading uniforms in production of High School Musical
Students in cheerleading uniforms in production of High School Musical

News & Announcements

Welcome Back


The 2024- 2025 school year is upon us, and we can't wait to greet you on Thursday, September 5, 2024. We're going to have a great year.

Principal's Message

Welcome to the Stephen Decatur Middle School 35 “The Miracle on MacDonough” webpage. My name is Jacklyn Charles-Marcus and I am the proud principal of our school community. Our school community is driven by the opportunity to provide quality instruction to our students on a daily basis. We take pride in ensuring that there are clear and high expectations for all students on a daily basis. High expectations are displayed through a variety of standards-based instructional delivery approaches by committed educators. Educators across all grade levels and content areas empower students to thrive towards mastery across all academic courses including physical education, visual arts, foreign language, dance and dramatic presentations. While preparing our students for the 21st century, we integrate the social emotional needs of our students through 6th grade Freshman Academy, 7th grade Restorative Circles and 8th grade Civics and Community Service Projects. By the end of 8th grade, students will have the opportunity to take three High School regents; Algebra, Living Environment and US History and Government. Our school is located in the historical section of Brooklyn, New York known as Stuyvesant Heights. Community partners engage with our students through class presentation, field excursions and in-class residencies. Our caregivers are partners in their child’s educational journey and we value our ability to communicate with each and every one of our families. The home-to-school connection is a critical component to this communication. Thus, within these webpages, you will find important information about our school. We will work diligently to make sure the pages are updated regularly.