GRADE 6 PARENT WORKSHOP, SESSION II/ TALLER PARA PADRES DE SEXTO GRADO, SESIÓN II Partner with us to develop strategies to help our children succeed in mathematics./ Asóciese con nosotros para desarrollar estrategias que ayuden a nuestros hijos a tener éxito en matemáticas
Stephen Decatur Magnet's Week of Action Celebrate with us as we engage in our 7th Annual Week of Action
Family Science Day at the New York Hall of Science/ Día de la Ciencia en Familia en el New York Hall of Science Join the Stephen Decatur Magnet Science Department on January 26th, 2025 for Family Day at the New York Hall of Science./ Únase al Departamento de Ciencias Magnet de Stephen Decatur el 26 de enero de 2025 para el Día de la Familia en el New York Hall of Science.
Broadway Jr. Auditions Auditions for this year's Broadway Jr. production will take place on Tuesday, January 7th & Thursday, January 9th from 2:30PM to 4:30PM.
GRADE 6 PARENT WORKSHOP/ TALLER PARA PADRES DE SEXTO GRADO Partner with us to develop strategies to help our children succeed in mathematics./ Asóciese con nosotros para desarrollar estrategias que ayuden a nuestros hijos a tener éxito en matemáticas
Spirit Week December 16th- 20th/ Semana del espíritu 16 al 20 de diciembre de 2024 During the week of December 16th, our school community will celebrate the holiday season with a new event each day./ Durante la semana del 16 de diciembre, nuestra comunidad escolar celebrará la temporada navideña con un nuevo evento cada día.
SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE Stephen Decatur MS35 Magnet school drive in partnership with St. Vincent and the Grenadines Retired Nurse Association. Deadline: December 20, 2024
REMOTE LEARNING EVENING/ APRENDIZAJE REMOTO NOCTURNO Tonight from 6:30PM - 7:30PM, students will participate in a remote learning evening. Students will follow the attached schedule for their assigned classes.Esta noche de 6:30 PM a 7:30 PM, los estudiantes participarán en una noche de aprendizaje remoto. Los estudiantes seguirán el horario adjunto para sus clases asignadas.